Our compliance advice combined with project management experience support you in regard to compliance projects

Compliance Project Office GmbH is specialized in the interaction of compliance advice and compliance project management. A large number of companies are constantly faced with the challenge of implementing new comprehensive compliance requirements or compliance processes. Nevertheless, the ongoing internal day-to-day business must not be neglected and should be further processed. In order to implement new extensive compliance requirements or compliance processes, a project is often set up that temporarily requires additional resources. Due to our many years of practical experience in compliance advice and compliance project management, we would be pleased to support you in this regard.


We advise our clients in connection with the implementation of compliance management systems, the conception and implementation of compliance controls, the implementation of legal and regulatory requirements in internal processes and the establishment of compliance departments combined with the coaching of compliance officers.


We take over the extensive planning and management of compliance projects for our clients. At the beginning from the creation of a work breakdown structure, a work package description, a milestone plan, the mapping of the project in a gantt chart to a robust resource planning. In this regard, we are very familiar with project management tools.


For globally active corporate groups, the special challenge is to implement compliance processes that are as uniform as possible in subsidiaries and branches worldwide in order to generate the best possible efficiencies and interfaces. We have the necessary experience in building and optimizing group standards.


We support institutions in the financial sector in the implementation of legal and regulatory requirements, such as capital markets requirements, requirements for crypto currency services as well as sustainability. Capital markets compliance, compliance for financial as well as credit institutions, regulatory compliance as well as the prevention of money laundering, terrorist financing and other criminal acts are also part of our expertise.


Furthermore, we support our clients in all sectors in the implementation of a Code of Conduct or the implementation of the EU Whistleblower Directive, compliance with sanctions and embargoes, the Supply Chain Act, antitrust compliance, competition law compliance or the disclosure obligations for listed stock corporations.

Anika Feger, Certified Compliance Professional (CCP), is the managing director of Compliance Project Office GmbH as well as the founder of Compliance Law Office – Feger Rechtsanwälte located in Bielefeld. Anika Feger has a long-term professional experience, which also includes various in-house activities, such as Compliance Officer in the Global Markets Compliance Department of a DAX 30 Company Group.


Managing Director of Compliance Project Office GmbH
Founder of Compliance Law Office – Feger Rechtsanwälte
Lawyer (registered since 2010)
Certified Compliance Professional (CCP)
Compliance Auditor (TÜV)

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The key activities of Anika Feger include the implementation of compliance management systems, the implementation of legal and regulatory requirements, the (also international) compliance project management, the establishment of compliance departments combined with the coaching of compliance officers as well as the planning and performance of compliance controls.

Anika Feger is also the content manager of a certification programme for compliance officers, speaker at conferences and author of various compliance publications.

Aktueller Umsetzungsstand zur neuen EU-Kleinanlegerstrategie
Anika Feger in: Compliance-Berater, November 2024

Compliance für Wertpapierdienstleister mit der neuen EU Retail Investment Strategy
Anika Feger in: Compliance-Berater, November 2023

MiCAR – Ein erster Überblick für Compliance-Beauftragte zur Krypto-Regulierung
Anika Feger und Raphael Gollasch in: Compliance-Berater, Juli 2022

EU-Hinweisgeberrichtlinie und HinSchG-E: Möglichkeiten und Nutzen der Einbindung von Ombudspersonen
Anika Feger in: Compliance-Berater, Juni 2022

Compliance-Management für Zahlungsinstitute und E-Geld-Institute
Anika Feger in: Compliance-Berater, November 2020

Publizitätspflichten für börsennotierte Aktiengesellschaften – Darstellung der aktuellen Ahndungspraxis und Präventionsmaßnahmen
Anika Feger und Sahra Veith in: Compliance-Berater, Juni 2020

Compliance Due Diligence als Bestandteil des Compliance-Managements – Reduzierung von Risiken bei M&A-Deals nach Veröffentlichung des Leitfadens des DOJ sowie des Entwurfs zum Verbandssanktionengesetz
Anika Feger in: Compliance-Berater, Januar/Februar 2020

Product Governance als Bestandteil des Compliance-Managements – Ein Vergleich der Entwicklungen in Industrie-, Versicherungs- und Wertpapierdienstleistungsunternehmen
Anika Feger in: Compliance-Berater, Oktober 2018

Product Governance in Vertriebsunternehmen
Anika Feger in: MiFID II – Recht, Praxis, Perspektiven, Frankfurt School Verlag, 1. Auflage 2018

Kapitalmarkt-Compliance – Product Governance-Prozesse im internationalen Kontext
Anika Feger in: Fraud & Compliance Management – Trends, Entwicklungen, Perspektiven, Frankfurt School Verlag, 1. Auflage 2018

Herausforderungen des Robo-Advice aus Sicht der Compliance-Funktion nach WpHG
Anika Feger in: Compliance-Berater, Oktober 2017

Zuwendungen nach den Entwürfen zum Zweiten Finanzmarktnovellierungsgesetz
Anika Feger in: Banken Times Klassik, Juni 2017

Die Geeignetheitserklärung nach dem Entwurf zum Zweiten Finanzmarktnovellierungsgesetz
Anika Feger in: Banken Times Klassik, Mai 2017

Product Governance – Neue Regelungen für Wertpapierdienstleistungsunternehmen nach den Entwürfen zum Zweiten Finanzmarktnovellierungsgesetz
Anika Feger in: Banken Times Klassik, April 2017

Wesentliche Änderungen durch den Entwurf des Zweiten Finanzmarktnovellierungsgesetz
Anika Feger in: Banken Times Klassik, Dezember 2016/Januar 2017

Auswirkungen der WpHG-Mitarbeiteranzeigeverordnung auf Compliance
Anika Feger in: Bank Praktiker, Oktober 2012

We are happy to assist you with a non-binding initial meeting or questions about our services.

Phone: +49 30 992113-413
E-Mail: info@complianceproject.de


Compliance Project Office GmbH
Kurfürstendamm 14
10719 Berlin / Germany

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